Is it really Friday?

After being a steady and well paced week at work, suddenly today everything's gone mental. It's like today is a Monday in disguise or something. It was about 9.40 before I was able to pause for long enough to get a cup of tea, which is never a good thing.

More on last night's Angel. It was weird. The plot developments were all very cool and twisty, but for some reason the way it was written left me just not caring. It could've been the fact that I felt like I should've gone to bed at about 6pm, and that as a result I just really didn't click with the episode, but it seems I'm not the only one to think that. My inclination is to think that it was poorly written and/or poorly directed, which is a shame. The high point for me was the amusement/horror I felt at the Wesley/Lilah developments, and Fred's "Where did everybody go?" line (which I think should've been the end of the ep). I'll watch it again tonight with Alison, and hopefully will be feeling a little more with-it.

Got a few more reactions last night to the big chunk of HBL I wrote the other night. As expected Julie let out a horrified wail and wanted to talk about how the, erm, development got undone by the end of the chapter. Alison seemed impressed (and thank goodness she didn't react with a 'fuck me' because I was in no fit state... ;) ) and became the first person to laugh at a rather cheap and obvious line that I nonetheless have been waiting for someone to have a good giggle at.

I don't think I care about the World Cup any more. The media frenzy over here about England's progress is representative of everything I hate about the British media.

Roll on the weekend... please...

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